Virtual Reality: Gaming Gimmick to Business Gamechanger?
Virtual reality is a technology that has tried to garner some attention in the past, but due to technology limitations often delivered very little when compared to the price of production.
VR hire and events company VRE has looked at ways business can utilize VR tech into everyday business. Marketing manager James Frazer tells us “VR has truly entered the mainstream. There are dedicated VR headsets available, as well as simple devices that transform smartphones into a virtual reality platform for a very small investment. With virtual reality being so readily available, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a slew of businesses and brands have been keen to adopt the technology.”
But where does virtual reality sit in the business world of today?
Deliver Your Business Message in an Immersive Way
The relationship between a customer and business is an important one, and the use of virtual reality allows the relationship to develop further, by allowing the customer to immerse themselves in the culture of the business.
How this is done can depend on that nature of the business. A business that produces beer or cider may want to offer a virtual tour of the brewery.
Those looking to promote a theme park could offer an app that offers potential visitors a POV shot from one of the attractions.
The adaptive nature of virtual reality means that regardless of where you’re looking to promote your business via a virtual reality video, or via the use of a platform that customers can interact with, there is plenty of choice available.
Virtual Prototypes are More Cost-Effective
Depending on the goals of the business, designing a product prototype can be an expensive endeavour, especially if adjustments are needed during the planning stages.
The construction of a tangible prototype can also be time-consuming. The use of virtual design allows businesses to to create a prototype and create ideas within a virtual reality space.
Not only can this save time and money, but it also ensures that any partners connected to the project to view the progress made, as well as the solutions to any issues that may have arisen during the initial design phase.
For example, architects can not only look at the design elements of a building but also how the surrounding environment could affect or benefit the proposed building.
Allow Professionals to Visit Your Business Without Leaving Their Home
When it comes to relationships, it’s not only customers that businesses should be solidifying a bond with. To ensure a company is heading in the right direction, it needs to have the right workforce onboard. However, if a professional lives several miles away, then it may be difficult to portray the benefit of the business to them. This is no longer the case thanks to the popularity of virtual reality.
Businesses can offer potential employees a guided tour of the business, a video presentation or even an overview of a job role via something as simple as a smartphone. The modern core values of business mean that companies are focusing on the character and skills a person can bring to a role, and the introduction of virtual reality ensures that both the business and professional are a good match.
The limitations of technology in the past means that virtual reality was initially seen as an impressive gimmick, that didn’t truly offer an immersive experience. Today’s iteration is so immersive, that some must disconnect with the device to remind themselves of their surroundings. This means that are more advantages for business to leverage, regardless of its end goal.